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"The 7th CoMIT Seminar"
will be held on June 29, 2016.

Event Title :

"The 7th CoMIT Seminar"

Event date/time :

Wednesday, June 29, 18:00-19:00

Lecturers :

Shigeru Miyagawa
(Specially Appointed Associate Professor,
Department of Immunology and Regenerative Medicine)

Satsuki Fukushima
(Assistant Professor, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery)

Moderator :

Atsuhiro Saito
(Specially Appointed Associate Professor,
Department of Translational Cell Therapy)

*Members of Osaka University.

Language :


Venue :

Multimedia Hall, the Center of Medical Innovation and Translational Research building 1F
LINK : http://www.comit.med.osaka-u.ac.jp/en/access.html

LINK : Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
