HOME > Organization > Research and Development Department
Each projects belongs to one of the following units based on
its research subject and content area.
This unit promotes novel-concept research projects for diseases associated with immune abnormalities, such as novel drug research to target key molecule(s) that play an important role common to the pathogenesis of general immune-mediated and inflammatory diseases.
This unit consists of the projects which aim to establish regenerative therapies using induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, to develop pharmaceutical regeneration by the activation of in vivo stem cells, and to develop an industrial and fundamental technology in order to accelerate the commercialization of regenerative therapies in multiple fields.
This unit comprises the projects which attempt to develop novel concept therapies through the integration of immunology and regeneration medicine.
This unit is composed of interdisciplinary integration projects with not limited to immunology or regenerative medicine. We believe further integration of technologies and research outcomes from different areas is necessary for the development of novel medical technologies and therapies.