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The 3rd Osaka University International Twin Research Symposium
― Twin Research from the views of epigenome and microbiome ―


March 8, 2019 (Fri.) 16:00-18:00



Jeffrey Craig 

Associate Professor, Deakin University / Deputy Director,
Twins Research Australia

Epigenetic and microbiome studies in the PETS twin birth cohort: clues to the early life origins of chronic disease

Jun Kunisawa 

Director, Center for Vaccine and Adjuvant Research(CVAR) ,
National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition

Involvement of host genome and gut environment in the control of health and diseases

Mikio Watanabe 

Professor, Department of Biomedical Informatics, Division of Health Sciences,
Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine

Genotype-based Epigenetic Difference within Twin Pair

Rie Tomizawa 

Specially Appointed Lecturer, Center for Twin Research,
Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine

Microbiome Study in Center for Twin Research

Contact: Osaka University Center for Twin Research

Tel: +81-(0)6-6879-2556

Email: info@twin.med.osaka-u.ac.jp

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