Immunity and Regeneration Integration Unit
0813A, 0814
Establishing cancer profiling to develop innovative, personalized medicine and therapeutics
We pursued research and development of the critical characteristics such as cancer stemness by building a biological diagnosis and drug discovery/development platform that is unparalleled in the world and based on integrated cutting-edge knowledge. We aim to accumulate multidimensional networking information, knowledge, and applications to develop and demonstrate the highest degree of academic flexibility. We plan to contribute to the industry and community by discovering biological diagnosis and drug discovery/development, and building highly accurate human models that precisely reflect the response of cancer stem cells to anticancer agents and patients’ pathologies, innovative metabolism analysis of cancer stem cells, trans-omics analysis, and highly accurate predictive molecular markers. These plans include, but are not limited to, companion drug development, next-generation nucleic acid drug development, innovative drug delivery systems, and the redevelopment of discontinued drugs.
Responsible Department
Department of Medical Data Science
Research Partners
Hirotsu Bio Science Inc.
Kinshu-kai Medical Corporation
IDEA Consultants Inc.
Kyowa-kai Medical Corporation
Unitech Co. Ltd.
Project Members
Principal Investigator
Specially Appointed Professor
Department of Medical Data Science
Department of Medical Data Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University